PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, UNITED STATES, April 5, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — April is Jazz Appreciation Month, and The Jazz Sanctuary, Philadelphia’s most innovative organization, celebrates with two live performances in the Philadelphia suburbs.
On Thursday, April 21st, a combo from The Jazz Sanctuary will be performing at Trinity Episcopal Church in Buckingham, PA at 7:30 p.m. Among the scheduled performers for a night of “Jazz & Joe” are James Dell’Orefice (piano), Leon Jordan Sr. (drums), Randy Sutin (vibes/percussion), Eddie Etkins (saxophone) and Alan Segal (bass), with guest vocalist Maci Miller. The concert performance is free of charge.
Thursday, April 28th brings another evening of “Jazz & Joe” at Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, at 7:30 p.m. The Jazz Sanctuary quintet of James Dell’Orefice (piano), Leon Jordan Sr. (drums), Randy Sutin (vibes/percussion), Eddie Etkins (saxophone) and Alan Segal (bass) will perform. The concert performance is free of charge.
In addition, The Jazz Sanctuary will be performing at private events this month at Willow Valley Communities (Willow Street, PA), Interfaith Hospitality Network of the Main Line (Norristown, PA), and at Main Line Unitarian Church (Devon, PA).
For further information about all upcoming Jazz Sanctuary events, visit their website at https://thejazzsanctuary.com/schedule-of-events-updated-weekly/.
Additional performance dates for The Jazz Sanctuary are pending. Please note that The Jazz Sanctuary follows all current CDC, state, and local guidelines for COVID-19 compliance. Masks are appreciated at all upcoming events. Both of this month’s events are free and open to the public. Voluntary donations to the venue are appreciated.
Jazz Appreciation Month was founded in 2001 by John Edward Hasse, who was a curator at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Besides appreciating jazz all April long, the month celebrates the history and heritage of the genre that has truly enlivened American culture.
Donations to support the mission of The Jazz Sanctuary continue to be vital to the growth of the organization as they enter their second decade. The Jazz Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that brings jazz music free of charge to charitable organizations, community centers, and houses of worship, among others.
Since its founding in 2011, The Jazz Sanctuary has brought over 600 live performances to people throughout Philadelphia and the neighboring Pennsylvania and New Jersey suburbs. In addition, the organization brings their music to healthcare facilities, including regular performances for the Council on Brain Injury and others in the region.
Charitable events in the five-county area have served organizations such as Friendship Circle, Cradle of Hope, Ronald McDonald House, Interfaith Hospital Center of the Main Line and Council on Brain Injury and Re-Med golf outing and therapy sessions.
Funding for The Jazz Sanctuary comes from individual donors as well as sponsors, including CBIZ, Compass Ion Advisors, Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, The Big Event, Zled Lighting, LPL Financial, Quantum Think, C&N Bank and DMG Global.
Interested donors or sponsors, as well as local townships, houses of worship, community centers or other public venues interested in participating in, or hosting The Jazz Sanctuary live events, are encouraged to contact Alan Segal directly, either by phone at (215) 208-7314 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Additional information is available at http://www.thejazzsanctuary.com.
Jim DeLorenzo
Jim DeLorenzo Public Relations
+1 2152665943
[email protected]
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Interview with Alan Segal, founder of The Jazz Sanctuary
The post The Jazz Sanctuary Celebrates Jazz Appreciation Month this April with Two Live Performances in Philadelphia Suburbs first appeared on Reality Syndicate Viewers.