This has facilitated quicker and more reasonable trademark in Japan. This works by eliminating middlemen as one doesn’t need to contact patent firm in the US.
TOKYO, JAPAN, May 7, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — JAPAN DIRECT IP Firm has launched a new service called Japan Direct which is a new innovative service for obtaining trademarks. They have done research in this field and have managed to actually find the best of ways and methods that makes the whole process much easier, quicker, and get rid of unnecessary costs at the same time. They have already received positive feedback from companies in the United States , especially start-ups.
One of the key spokesmen for the company was quoted as saying, “We are aware of the different factors that end up making the trademark process unbearably long and expensive. One needs to contact the patent firm in the US before kick starting the process in Japan but we choose to eliminate this option and it has allowed us to save money, time, paperwork and what not.”
The company is excited about the kind of response they have been getting and they are hopeful that they will continue to make good progress. Whenever clients get in touch with them, Japan Direct directly gets in touch with the JPO for the sake of registering trademarks. Based on the class of product they will be dealing in, they have the details of their fee slabs clearly listed. One can check out the details of the fee structure and then get in touch with them.
The company has a clear working policy and the right preparation methods that aid them in an efficient manner. They know the ins and outs of the process and have been duly doing their very best. Those who are on the lookout to register their trademark and are looking for the right help should surely make it a point to visit https://www.japandirect-tm.com/en
About Japan Direct
Japan Direct has been working avidly to make sure that they can allow people to obtain trademark in Japan without any hassles. They eliminate the need to contact the patent firm in the US and thereby helps in cutting down paperwork and even the amount of money that is otherwise spent.
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The post JAPAN DIRECT IP Firm make the process of obtaining trademark smooth and quick first appeared on Reality Syndicate Viewers.