To recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month, OsteoStrong franchises across the nation are naming Kyra’s Champions their Charity Partner.
— Kyle Zagrodzky, Founder of OsteoStrong
HOUSTON, TX, UNITED STATES, March 29, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — OsteoStrong International Inc., the wellness franchise founded by CEO, entrepreneur and author Kyle Zagrodzky, is teaming up with Kyra’s Champions, a 501(c)(4) charity advocating for policy changes that protect children at risk of family violence for National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Many franchise locations will help raise awareness of the dire need to prevent child abuse in the United States and raise funds for Kyra’s Champions activities.
OsteoStrong is a revolutionary wellness system that leverages clinically researched osteogenic loading technology to help people of all ages and fitness levels enhance bone health, balance, overall strength, and posture in under 10 minutes per week.
Osteogenic impact emulation or osteogenic loading is a brief set of highly controlled, acute impact events that are clinically proven to increase healthy bone density and muscle tissue growth. The system triggers natural bone growth and improves overall muscle strength, balance, and posture while easing joint pain in many cases. Sessions are sweat-free, yet powerful enough to activate a physiological response that initiates tissue growth cycles for days after every session.
OsteoStrong’s collaboration with Kyra’s Champions meets our collective goal to raise awareness about child abuse prevention with the help of both new and existing OsteoStrong members across the nation. “The goal is to make this an annual commitment to support those working to prevent child abuse during the month of April”, says Kyle Zagrodzky, CEO of OsteoStrong.
“OsteoStrong is a family. We want to give back and help change our communities for the better. With this partnership, not only can we create strong customers, but we can also help keep children safe and make an impact,” said Zagrodzky. “As a father, this is near to my heart. When I met Kyra’s mom, I saw a cause that was changing the landscape for the better. No child should be hurt – or killed – by their own family.”
Kyra’s Champions was founded by Jacqueline Franchetti in memory of her sweet, vibrant, loving 2-year-old daughter Kyra, who, in July 2016 during a court-sanctioned unsupervised visit, was shot twice in the back by her father while she slept, who then set his house on fire and killed himself. The organization honors Kyra’s memory by focusing on initiatives to ensure children and their safety are top priorities.
“During the same amount of time as one 10-minute OsteoStrong session, at least 12 children will be abused in the United States alone,” said Jacqueline Franchetti, the Founder and Executive Director of Kyra’s Champions. “The United States has one of the worst records of child abuse in industrialized nations with five children dying from abuse and neglect each day. 80% of these children – just like Kyra – never got to celebrate their 3rd birthday. With this partnership, we advance our efforts to protect children at risk of family violence.”
Kyra’s Champions is a public charity advocating for nonpartisan policy and legislative changes that promote and protect children at risk of family violence. We raise awareness about the dangers to children and seek changes in the way family violence and child abuse are addressed. Kyra’s Champions focuses on legislative initiatives on the federal and state levels to ensure children and their safety are top priorities. The organization has passed legislation with wide bipartisan support on the state and federal level on children’s rights and to protect children in custody cases.
About OsteoStrong
OsteoStrong is a membership-based Integrative Health and Wellness Center with a focus on Musculoskeletal Strengthening technology.
OsteoStrong’s Spectrum System allows users to unlock their physical freedom through a process called osteogenic loading. This patented four-device circuit takes only minutes once per week to complete and offers users instant biofeedback. Members report significant, measurable improvements affecting the entire body, including posture, balance, bone density, and significant gains in overall strength.
Future Growth: OsteoStrong is looking for interested and qualified business partners. For more information visit www.OsteoStrong.me.
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About Kyra’s Champions
Our mission is to protect children from being harmed by family violence. Kyra’s Champions is a 501(c)(4) charity advocating for bipartisan policy and legislative changes that promote and protect at-risk children. We raise awareness about the dangers to children, inside and outside of our divorce/family court system, and seek changes in the way family violence and child abuse are addressed in child custody cases. Our focus is advancing five bills, including “Kyra’s Law,” that are inspired by the custody case of 2-year-old Kyra Franchetti, who was killed by her father in a preventable murder-suicide. Further information can be found at www.KyrasChampions.org.
Angel Tuccy
Vedette Global
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The post OsteoStrong Names Kyra’s Champions an Official Charity Partner for National Child Abuse Prevention Month first appeared on Reality Syndicate Viewers.