AllAboutSpot.com provides free pet record services to boost pet rescue and shelter adoptions.
— Kristi Pritchett
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA, June 2, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — AllAboutSpot.com, which provides a safe and secure platform for vital pet information, offers pet rescues and pet shelters free unlimited subscriptions for all animals in their care. The service, called “Fetch Records,” can then be transferred to the new owner at the time of the adoption.
“We’re hoping that offering this service to pet rescues and pet shelters at no cost will encourage more people to adopt the growing number of companion animals who will enter shelters this year,” says Kristi Pritchett, founder of AllAboutSpot.com. “Right now, the odds of adoption are two for every three shelter animals. By making our service free to pet rescues and pet shelters, we’re hoping to improve the odds of adoption.”
According to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA), approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. About 4.1 million, predominately dogs and cats, will be adopted. Other sources, such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), estimate a lower adoption rate of around 50 percent.
The AllAboutSpot.com platform stores health records, vaccination dates, allergic reactions, medication schedules, and other information such as activity preferences or behavioral notations. After adoption, the pet rescue can transfer the account to the new owner, who will have free access to the information for 30 days.
“Ninety days is enough time to share the information with family members and new veterinarians, making the transition from pet rescue to a new home as seamless as possible,” Pritchett said. “At the end of 30 days, the new owners will have the option of subscribing to the service or printing and storing the data on their own.”
Originally developed to make traveling easier for pet owners by helping them share data with pet sitters, the AllAboutSpot.com platform evolved to allow for many other applications. Some subscribers use the service to record everything from special anniversary dates to detailed medical information about their pets.
“We’ve taken the guesswork out of pet records and eliminated the challenge many pet owners have with lost or outdated records,” says Pritchett. “Pet adoption can be both exciting and overwhelming. It’s all too easy for important details to be lost in the shuffle — whether shared verbally with the new owners or within a pile of papers.”
AllAboutSpot.com data can include the answers to many common questions people should ask before adoption: breed, owner history, health status, vaccination dates, test results, medication schedules, food preferences, general disposition, well-check reminders, and much more. AllAboutSpot.com takes some of the pressure off pet adoption interviews by providing most information in a digital record.
“Some resources suggest asking as many as 50 questions before adoption, which can feel pretty daunting,” says Pritchett. “Many of those questions should still be asked, but it’s nice to know the information has been preserved and is easily accessible. It’s especially worthwhile for any pet rescues who work with foster families or trial families who can use the service to make real-time notations.”
In addition to increasing the chance of adoption, AllAboutSpot.com records may help improve the likelihood of a successful adoption. Currently, about one in five dogs adopted from a shelter is returned for unexpected behavioral reasons.
AllAboutSpot.com began accepting subscriptions earlier this year after a soft launch in March. Initial subscribers were beta testers, including Pritchett. Her family recently took a vacation to San Diego. It was the first time providing pet information, and it took just two seconds — one touch of a button to authorize her pet sitter to view her pet records.
AllAboutSpot.com is a safe, secure online data management system for pets. It provides pet owners with the ability to update pet information after any change, a veterinarian visit, or just before someone else cares for their pets. The system even includes reminder notifications to update records every year.
For more information, pet rescue and pet shelters are invited to contact AllAboutSpot.com for program enrollment.
Kristi Pritchett
All About Spot
+1 833-444-7768
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