Qi Herbs and Acupuncture in Toronto is helping more people aid their symptoms from the COVID vaccine and from long COVID through traditional Chinese medicine.
TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA, May 16, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Qi Herbs and Acupuncture, a leader in providing traditional Chinese medicine services in Toronto, is offering services to help those suffering from Post COVID vaccine symptoms as well as long COVID.
COVID-19 causes mild to severe symptoms in most people, including headaches, chest discomfort, coughing, sore throat, nausea, exhaustion, and more. People can have these symptoms while having COVID, as well as shortly after receiving a COVID immunization or, in certain situations, when they develop long COVID.
Qi Herbs and Acupuncture is eager to help patients struggling from the aforementioned symptoms. This can be done through different forms of traditional Chinese medicine, which can help improve one’s symptoms and general health in a natural way. Many natural herbs used in Chinese medicine may be easily acquired to aid with sickness following a covid vaccine as well as when dealing with long COVID. These include:
Ginseng (Ren Shen)
Astragalus (Huang Qi)
Chinese red dates (Jujube)
Brown sugar
Ginger (Sheng Jiang)
Qi Herbs and Acupuncture also offers a self-assessment quiz to aid patients in discovering which herb is best for them.
Additionally, Qi Herbs and Acupuncture also offers acupuncture treatment. This treatment can help regulate and strengthen the immune system, which can reduce symptoms, speed up the healing process, and normalize the body’s immunological response to varied stimuli.
Traditional Chinese medicine is a natural and holistic way to help cure COVID-19 post vaccination symptoms as well as aid with long COVID. Qi Herbs and Acupuncture offers patients the chance to work towards full-body healing in a natural way.
Kathy (Bo) Feng
Qi Herbs and Acupuncture
+1 416-968-7755
[email protected]
Article originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/572568152/qi-herbs-and-acupuncture-presents-ways-to-treat-post-covid-vaccine-and-long-covid-symptoms-with-tcm
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