Future Armoured Vehicles Central and Eastern Europe 2022
16th May to 17th May 2022,
Budapest, Hungary
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, May 10, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Future Armoured Vehicles Central and Eastern Europe 2022
16th May to 17th May 2022,
Budapest, Hungary
The Future Armoured Vehicles Central and Eastern Europe conference is the premier meeting for armoured vehicle programme managers and military commanders from within the Central and Eastern European region. In response to the ever-increasing digitalisation of the modern battlefield, and the emergence of new near-peer adversaries, there is a continuing requirement for the modernisation of armoured vehicle systems across the region.
FAVCEE is continuing to provide a world class event focused on military vehicles based in Europe, assisting with the continued learning and development of armoured vehicle programme managers and practitioners through briefings, panel sessions and focused discussion groups. Unlike other events, we strive to deliver real insight and learning experiences through the expertly selected participants who run our discussions ensuring the latest developments from all parts of the community (industry and military) are covered, in detail.
This conference will provide an enormous range of insight from many different nations and bring together many senior leaders from within the Hungarian Armed Forces. Briefings during the two-day conference will examine what these nations are doing to enhance and overhaul their fleets of armoured vehicles, and embrace new technologies.
More about the chairman:
President & Former Chief of Defence of Hungary, Hungarian Association of Military Sciences
Prof Gen (Ret) Zoltán Szenes, National University of Public Service, President of the Hungarian Association of Military Sciences, former Chief of Defence of Hungary (2003-2005)
Prof Gen (Ret) Zoltán Szenes holds MSc from the Defence College of Logistics and Transport (Sankt Petersburg, Russia) and the Budapest University of Economic Science (world economics) and PhD (Military Science) from the National Defence University, Budapest. He was also member of Royal College of Defence Studies, London, in 1995. During his active military carrier, he had different staff and command positions in tank regiment, infantry division, Command of the Hungarian Defence Forces and Ministry of Defence of Hungary. He was the Hungarian Military Representative at NATO and WEU in Brussels in 1998-1999. From 1999 – 2002, he served with NATO AFSOUTH as Chief of Logistics Division in Naples (IT). He was Chief of Defence of Hungary between 2003-2005. He teaches Security Studies, NATO Studies, International and Hungarian defence policies at BA, MA, and PhD level at National University of Public Service, Ludovika. Gen Szenes was the Chair of the Committee for the Military Sciences at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2008-2014). He was an Adjunct Professor at the Baltic Defence College, Tartu, Estonia from 2007 to 2014. Currently he is a President of the Hungarian Association of Military Science. His publications deal with the Hungarian Defence Policy, NATO, Visegrad Group, and peace support operations. His last edited book titled „NATO Today. The state and tasks of the Alliance (Zrínyi Publishing House, 2021, Budapest)
FAVCEE 2022 Highlights:
The 2020 and 2021 Virtual Conferences allowed for live and on-demand content, instant networking and assess to market-leading Industry Sponsor information. However, returning live in 2022 will provide an unparalleled opportunity for networking with peers and colleagues from across the region.
Keynote briefings from senior officers from friendly nations from across the Europe and beyond, proving insights into the latest technological and doctrinal developments with a focus on interoperability with NATO partners.
A unique focus on the key themes of interoperability, survivability, lethality, mobility, modularity, and situational awareness.
Visit: www.futurearmouredvehicles.com
For media enquiries contact Richard Jones on Tel: +44 (0)20 7827 6088 / Email: [email protected]
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Richard Jones
SAE Media Group
+442078276088 ext.
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The post Event runs in less than a week – Future Armoured vehicles eastern europe first appeared on Reality Syndicate Viewers.