Very soon, on May 7, there will be an International Forum on “Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live”
— Problematics of Consumer Society
ATLANTA, GA, USA, April 29, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Very soon, on May 7, there will be an International Forum “Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live” is a unique cultural event of the 21st century, because nobody has ever organized simultaneous interpreting with the help of volunteers into 100 languages.
The key topic of the event is climate change. This is a very serious topic, because recently there has been a tendency to blame people for ongoing climate processes: volcanic eruptions, powerful floods, melting glaciers, rising temperatures, uncontrollable natural fires, shifting magnetic poles, and increasing deep-focus earthquakes, etc.
Substance briefly
People are blamed primarily for the so-called «carbon footprint», in other words, any human action – buying clothes, lunch in a cafe, or watching a movie allegedly affects climate change by increasing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. In doing so, it is deliberately ignored that the oceans (because of endogenous heating) emit more CO2 than all the industrial activities of humankind together.
Thus, speculation on the topic of CO2 has reached a high level of large-scale manipulation of people. This is a convenient position for many unscrupulous people advocating mercantile goals, including the “false greens,” who insist on the introduction of wind turbines and solar panels (instead of stable conventional energy sources) in the face of climate change. Certainly, nuclear power, as well as oil, gas, and coal, emit CO2, but the combined amount is less than 1% of the Earth’s atmosphere. And that’s just a fact.
Human activity only affects the ecology (the planet’s immunity), but not the climate. And if environmental issues can still be solved, the climate is much more complicated… As for “green energy,” it has long shown its incompatibility: wind turbines in Texas froze over in the winter of 2021, and solar panels in Germany were covered with snow. Not to mention the fact that the disposal of wind turbines and solar panels is extremely toxic. Moreover, the production of “green plants” requires the same hydrocarbon energy.
A few people think that global warming is occurring for natural reasons. Firstly, there were warmer eras than now on Earth, during which the CO2 content was lower than it is now. Secondly, the current warming has been going on since the 18th and 19th centuries, when there were no large emissions into the atmosphere.
It is also interesting that there is an interconnection between global warming and natural cycles – in particular, cycles of solar activity and changes in the orbital parameters of the Earth. Currently, there is a minimum of solar activity, but the heating of the Earth is increasing anyway. How is this possible? The answer can be found in the real cause of climate change: the cyclicity with a period of 12,000 years.
In fact, the amount of anthropogenic CO2 is less than 1% of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. At the same time, the main greenhouse gas is not CO2 at all, but water vapor, and all scientists know it. But the most important thing is that more than 90% of CO2 is contained in the world’s oceans (global warming reduces its solubility and CO2 enters the atmosphere in huge quantities from the ocean). In addition, the Amazon forests have recently been emitting CO2 as well.
The topic of CO2
The trouble is that in the consumerist format of society, a few people are interested in the real cause of CO2 emissions. It is too profitable to blame people for the disasters and increase taxes over and over again. And the most radical ideas are even aimed at reducing the population.
It is absolutely unbelievable, but the fact is that people in their 60s+ are suspected of climate change. Thus, it is very vitally important, to tell the truth about CO2, as long as there is someone to tell and someone to listen to.
This is what the International Forum, which will be held on May 7, is focused on. People around the world are well aware of the real threats humanity faces today; climate change will continue, regardless of the numerous crises of consumer society and the level of anthropogenic CO2 (because the causes of climate change are different). And certainly, the reduction of the inconvenient population with a “high carbon footprint” will not fix the situation, as collaborationists are dreaming about.
The Creative Society
Now more than ever, we need strong determination and confidence to reverse the situation for the better. But this will only happen when humanity’s scientific and technological potential is united. For this purpose, there is a neutral information platform where volunteers organize conferences at the highest level with the participation of scientists, representatives of culture, political and public figures, journalists, and so on.
The Forum «Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live» begins at 15:00 GMT. Today the world is teetering on the verge, and this is quite an obvious fact. It’s all down to the consumerist format of the society, in which irresponsibility and unscrupulousness prevail.
But if there is a minus, there must also be a plus, and this plus exists in the form of a creative variant of the society development, where the value of each human’s life is in the first place. Thus, modern civilization has the opportunity to pass with honor through the difficult period of natural anomalies. Everything is very simple and everything is really in the hands of people themselves!
Alicia Topper
Creative Society USA
[email protected]
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The post Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want To Live. first appeared on Reality Syndicate Viewers.
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